Project of Support to Professional Development in Brazil - Kusanone
Community projects from JICA (Kusanone Project) are executed through NPOs, Universities, Government and local prefectures that use their knowledge and techniques to assist and cooperate with developing countries. These projects are coordinated by JICA and use resources from ODA (Official Development Assistance).

The project
Between March 2022 and February 2025, ABC Japan will implement the JICA Community Project – Support to Professional Development in Brazil – Kusanone, in partnership with AOVC – Okinawa Association from Vila Carrão. Through this project, ABC Japan will structure a professional training program, focusing on teaching the Japanese language for work environments. This training will prepare professionals to work in Japanese and Nikkei companies through lectures in professional Japanese vocabulary and Japanese business etiquette. Meanwhile, the project will also prepare Japanese language professors for this business training program.
The Process
022 / March to June
Two researches are performed to obtain information relevant to developing the program.
1) Survey with nikkei companies in São Paulo, to collect data about the professional profile these companies are looking for.
2) Survey with the residents of Vila Carrão, a neighborhood in São Paulo, to learn about their social and professional profiles, and understand regional needs.
2022 / June to August
1) A preparatory Japanese language course is planned out. These classes will prepare students to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N5, and instruct them about Japanese culture and business etiquette.
2) Sharing on social media and distributing printed pamphlets on events such as Kenren Japan Festival and Okinawa Association Okinawa Festival.
2023 / January and February
Recruiting students and interns for the training through the Japanese language preparatory course. These classes will prepare students to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N4, as well as instruct them about Japanese culture and business etiquette.

2023 / February
Beginning of the Japanese Language preparatory course for N4. Classes will be held online from 2023/2/16 until the end of the year.

1st Seminar about Japanese Culture and Business Etiquette

About ABC Japan and AOVC
ABC Japan has an exclusive methodology and expertise for human resources training, developed by supporting the foreign community in Japan for over 20 years. In this project, ABC Japan will implement a support program for professional development at AOVC – Okinawa Association in Vila Carrão, in São Paulo, Brazil.
Okinawa Association in Vila Carrão
São Paulo - Brazil
Founded in 1956, the Okinawa Association in Vila Carrão – AOVC, is one of the largest associations affiliated to the Brazilian Okinawa Kenjin Association, with over 450 affiliated families.
AOVC holds sports, cultural and artistic activities such as Okinawa Buyo (Okinawan traditional dance), Min’yō (Okinawan popular music) and Geki (traditional theatrical presentation). The association promotes events and activities to redeem and transmit the Okinawan cultural heritage to the new generations. Their main event is Okinawa Festival, see more details here.

Organizations involved
Meet the organizations involved in this project