
Our history


• Beginning of activities


• Formalization of our entity as “NPO ABC Japan”


• Establishment and centralization of the national Brazilian network in Japan

• Beginning of the “Japanese Language Course for Adults” through the “Teaching Japanese Language Project for Foreign Residents in Japan”

• Beginning of the Free School and Tsuruminho (activities for Elementary School students), with the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan through the “Project for supporting education of foreign residents’ kids in Japan”


• Release: “University Enrollment Guidance for Foreign Students and their Guardians”


• Assistance to areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake through the “Brazilian Support Chain” campaign

• Release: “High School Enrollment Guidance for Foreign Students and their Guardians”


• Implementation of the “Project to Create and Educational Network for Regional Support for Children and Families of Foreign Origins” through the “Model Project for Creating New Public Spaces in Kanagawa Prefecture”


• Beginning of the course for kids of foreign origins “Friend Juku” and the Japanese Language Course for adults

• Production and publication of the guide “Welcome to Elementary and Middle School in Tsurumi”


• Beginning of the “Project to Protect Educational Opportunities of Children and Youth of Foreign Origins” through the “Subsidy Project for Voluntary Activities” of the Kanagawa Volunteer Activities Promotion Fund 21


• Planning and execution of the “Brazilian Week” in celebration to the 120 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Brazil



• Beginning of the “Preparatory Course for Electrician Category 2 Written Exam”

• Production and execution of the workshop “Do you want to feel like a foreigner?”


• Beginning of the “Project for Global Support for Children and Youth of Foreign Origins and their Families” through the “Project of Contribuition for Collaborative Initiatives” of the Kanagawa Volunteer Activities Promotion Fund 21

• Production and publication of the “University Enrollment Guidance”


• ABC Japan is awarded the Order of Rio Branco, granted by the Brazilian government

• Production and publishing ot the “High School Enrollment Guide” and the “Electrician Course at ABC”


• ABC Japan receives the Honorary Award from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

• Production and publication of “Welcome to Kanagawa Elementary and Middle School”


• Moved headquarters, new office location features classrooms

• Beginning of the “Building the Future Project for the Professionalization of Nisseis and Sanseis Young Immigrants” through the “Project Building the Future for Young People of Foreign Origins”

• Food distribution during the Coronavirus Pandemic

• Beginning of the Language and Culture Heritage Course and Psychological Counseling

• Initiation of the Kusanone Project in cooperation with JICA to support professional development in Brazil


• Coordination of the “Portuguese as Heritage Language Olympics”, carried out by the Brazilian government

• Conducting a counseling and professional support event for High School students and youth of foreign origins

• Production and publication of the didactic material “Composition in Japanese for Youth of Foreign Origins

• Reception of trainees from JICA’s Training Program for the Nikkei Community


• Initiation of the “Educational Fair for Elementary and High School Students and Youth Related to “

• Production and publication of the “Employability Manual” and the “Multilingual Guide”