Electrician courses
Get qualified for the job market
Obtain the Japanese Electrician license and advance in your professional career
Simplified Japanese
All the content in class is taught in やさしいにほんご (easy Japanese).
Material has furigana
Written reference material includes kanji reading or furigana, to make learning easier.
Mock exams from previous test
Study from previous exams to test your knowledge and prepare for your exam.
About the electrician courses
ABC Japan offers various courses for professionals that would like to obtain the Japanese Electrician License.
To work as an electrician in Japan, the professional must have a certified license. This license can only be obtained through the Dai 2 Shu Denki Koujishi test. At ABC Japan, the intensive course was designed to allow the students to learn from the comfort of their homes, with the support from ABC Japan’s coursework and assistance.
The course prepares the students to become full-fledged electricians. From basic electric installation knowledge to technical vocabulary for daily professional work, ABC Japan’s course provides qualification for both license examination and professional routine.
If you’re willing to start your career as an electrician, ABC Japan also offers an intensive course for beginners.
Our professional
渡部 佳子
Yoshiko Watabe
Our electrician courses
Preparatory course for the national electrician exam
Get ready for the national electrician exam Dai 2 Shu Denki Koujishi and work as a professional electrician in Japan.
Intensive electrician course for beginners
Learn the basics of working as an electrician in this intensive course for beginners.
Frequently asked questions
To use SmartPit, it is possible to pay at convenience shops (Lawson, Family Mart and Ministop) through a code. At the convenience shop, use the self service computer machine to generate the code bar and pay at the cashier. If there are any concerns on how to use the self service computer, please ask for assistance to a local employee.
ABC Japan’s Electrician Courses use Zoom as their streaming platform. Students can participate in class through the computer or through a smartphone. Classes are held live, online, and are offered through our website: learning.abcjapan.org
In each course page there is a link button to access an enrollment form. After signing up, ABC Japan’s team will get in touch to provide more details about the course.
The class schedule is available on each course’s website pages.
Yes, ABC Japan does offer electrician courses for non-residents in Japan. The payment can be made through the Flywire portal or PayPal. Monetary exchange rates are the student’s responsibility. We’d still like to remind you that the course was designed for professional electricians that want to work in Japan, following Japanese standards of materials and equipment.
The courseware used was designed and made by ABC Japan, and it is included and provided in all courses.
Please get in touch with our team through the email educar@abcjapan.org. If you prefer, you may also send us a message on social media, either our Instagram profile or Facebook page.
Yes, all class content is taught in Japanese. However, we use a simplefied and easy to understand Japanese during the course program.
To sign up to our preparatory course, it is necessary to know basic Japanese, including the ability to read hiragana and katakana. It is not needed to know how to write.
When signing up to the national exam, you must write your name the same way it is written in your Juminhyo. However, after passing the exam and receiving the confirmation letter, there is a possibility of requesting to write your name in Japanese characters. The document issuance place might accept your request or not.
It is not allowed to share the classes with pairs or groups. We request that the students join the lessons online by themselves, and in an environment with no one else present.
Yes, it is possible to change the delivery address to an address other than the one in your Juminhyo. However, please make sure to contact the ABC Japan Team for this special request.
Yes, it is possible to take the exam in other prefectures. In case you’re signing up to take the exam through ABC Japan, please inform us of your special request to take the exam in a different location when registering in the electrician preparatory course.